Technical Software
FloLab: A software to scale down control of chemical consumption from industry to laboratory, 2010
GeoMat Dictionary: A general/professional dictionary for mineral and material sciences, 2012
ZCSim: A fuzzy base package for simulation of hydraulic classifier at Zarand Coal Washing Plant, including
CSPro: A software for the prediction of classifier cut-size using operating parameters with over 97% accuracy, Team member: A. Soflaeian, 2013
PSPro: A software for the prediction of particle size distribution of classifier products using using operating parameters with over 98% accuracy, Team members: R Habibi and M. Mahamed, 2014
PriCrusher: A software for selection and design of primary crushers using modified statistical screening method, Team members: H. Ataei and Y. Akbarzadeh, 2014
Particle Size Analyzer (PSA): A software for drawing and calculation of sieve analysis results, Team member: Dr. M. Bahaadini and A. Talebi, 2016
FloPlus: A software for quick kinetic calculations of batch flotation tests, Team members: M. Mahamed and A.R. Gholami, 2018
General Software
Ostad-Yar: A useful package for management and documentation of educational and administrative experiences of university masters, Team members: Z. Hedayatirad, M. Rezaei, F. Khorasanipoor and F. Doodman, 2015, including
Selfi: A software for management and documentation of professional experiences of masters
Supervisor: A software for management and documentation of educational experiences of students
Examiner: An advanced software for management and documentation of exams
MyLib: A software for management and documentation of personal electronic library
Aein-Nameh: An advanced software for management and documentation of official letters and administrative regulations, Team member: A. Alipoor, 2015