Technical Software
FloLab: A software to scale down of chemical consumption from industry to laboratory, Proficiency: Excellent
FloPlus: An advanced software for quick kinetic calculations of batch flotation tests, Proficiency: Excellent
RTD: A software for quick calculation of resident time distribution in mineral processing systems, Proficiency: Excellent
X’Pert HighScore Plus: A software for professional interpretation of X-ray diffraction (XRD) patterns, Proficiency: Very good
Split: A powerful software for image analysis of SEM results, foam and froth images, and particle size prediction, Proficiency: Very good
ImageJ II: An open source image processing program designed for scientific multidimensional images, Proficiency: Very good
Particle Size Analyzer: A software for calculation and interpretation of particle size distribution, Proficiency: Excellent
Breakage Function: A professional software for calculation of breakage function of comminution products, Proficiency: Excellent
PriCrusher: A software for selection and design of primary crushers using modified statistical screening method, Proficiency: Excellent
MillTraj: A software for simulation of load trajectory in tumbling mills and liner design, Proficiency: Good
KMPCSim: An advanced software for simulation of classification and grinding circuits, Proficiency: Very good
Selection Function: A professional software for calculation of selection function of comminution products, Proficiency: Excellent
ModSim: An advanced software for simulation of mineral processing processes, Proficiency: Good
HSC Chemistry: A powerful software for process simulation, reactions equations, heat and material balances, equilibrium calculations, electrochemical cell equilibriums, Eh-pH diagrams – Pourbaix diagram, Proficiency: Very good
MCTH: A software for calculation of McCabe-Thiele plots, Proficiency: Very good
BDSIM: A software for simulation of binary distillation systems, Proficiency: Good
Analytical and Design Software
SolidWorks: A powerful software for 2D and 3D design and standard engineering drawing, Proficiency: Very good
Catia: The most powerful software for 2D and 3D design and standard engineering drawing, Proficiency: Very good
AutoCAD: A common computer-aided design and drafting software for 2D and 3D design, Proficiency: Very good
Bentley MicroStation: A professional CAD software for two and three dimensional design and drafting of plant, Proficiency: Good
Fluent: A software for 2D and 3D modeling of fluid-base devices and computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulation, Proficiency: Very good
COMSOL Multiphysics: A cross-platform finite element analysis, solver and multiphysics simulation software which allows conventional physics-based user interfaces and coupled systems of partial differential equations, Proficiency: Good
MATLAB, Fuzzy Logic Package: The package for developing fuzzy-based codes for modeling and simulation of experimental and industrial data, Proficiency: Very good
Minitab: A software for design and analysis of experiments and process control, Proficiency: Excellent
Design Expert: The most powerful software for design and analysis of experimental programs, Proficiency: Excellent
JMP Statistical Discovery: A professional software for design and analysis of experiments, Proficiency: Very good
11. IBM SPSS Statistics: An advanced software for statistical analysis and modeling of data, Proficiency: Good
Wolfram Mathematica: A modern technical computing software for solving the mathematical and differential equations, Proficiency: Good
Applied Software
Microsoft Word: A software for text processing and typing, Proficiency: Excellent
Microsoft PowerPoint: A software for preparation and editing of oral and poster presentation, Proficiency: Excellent
Microsoft Excel: A spread sheet software for numerical calculations and analyses, Proficiency: Excellent
Adobe Photoshop: An advanced software for processing and preparation of graphic images, Proficiency: Excellent
CorelDraw: An advanced software for processing and design of vector illustrations, Proficiency: Excellent
EndNote: An advanced software for preparation and management of scientific databases, Proficiency: Excellent
OriginPro: An advanced software for analyzing and graphing the engineering and scientific data, Proficiency: Very good