Journal of Hazardous Materials (Elsevier Publisher, The Netherlands)
Biochemical Engineering Journal (Elsevier Publisher, The Netherlands)
Physicochemical Problems of Mineral Processing (Wrocław University, Poland)
Journal of Mining and Environment (Shahrood University, Iran)
Encyclopedia of Iron, Steel, and Their Alloys (Taylor and Francis, UK)
African Journal of Microbiology Research (Academic Journals, Africa)
International Journal of Agricultural Policy and Research (Journal Issues, USA)
Net Journal of Agricultural Science (Net Journals, Nigeria)
Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry (Elsevier Publisher, The Netherlands)
ScienceAsia (Science Society of Thailand, Thailand)
Soil and Sediment Contamination An International Journal (Taylor and Francis, USA)
Mineral Processing and Extractive Metallurgy Review (Taylor and Francis, USA)
Frontiers in Chemistry (Frontiers, Switzerland)
Chemical Engineering Communications (Taylor and Francis, USA)
Minerals & Metallurgical Processing Journal (SME, USA)
Iranian Journal of Engineering Education (The Academy of Sciences, Iran)
Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering (Springer, Germany)
Energy & Fuels (American Chemical Society (ACS), USA)
Petroleum Science and Technology (Taylor and Francis, USA)
Process Safety and Environmental Protection (Elsevier Publisher, The Netherlands)
Journal of Environmental Management (Elsevier Publisher, The Netherlands)
Iranian Journal of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering (Iranian Institute of Research and Development in Chemical Industries (IRDCI), Iran)
International Journal of Analytical and Bioanalytical Methods (VIBGYOR ePress, England)
Brazilian Journal of Chemical Engineering (Brazilian Society of Chemical Engineering (ABEQ), Brazil)
Mining, Metallurgy & Exploration (Springer, Germany, and SME)
Journal of Educational Research (ReDelve International Publications, USA)
Journal of Mineral Resources Engineering (International Imam Khomeini University, Iran)
Frontiers in Molecular Biosciences: Biological Modeling and Simulation Section (Frontiers, Switzerland)
Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology: Industrial Biotechnology Section (Frontiers, Switzerland)
Journal of Dispersion Science and Technology (Taylor and Francis, UK)
Frontiers in Microbiology, section Microbiotechnology (Frontiers, Switzerland)
Materials Letters (Elsevier Publisher, The Netherlands)
Open Journal of Environmental Biology (Peertechz, India)
Applied Sciences (MDPI, Switzerland)
Journal of Civil Engineering and Environmental Sciences (Peertechz, India)
Environmental Science and Pollution Research (Elsevier Publisher, The Netherlands)
Journal of Analytical and Numerical Methods in Mining Engineering (Yazd University, Iran)
Energies (MDPI, Switzerland)
National Coal Congress Series, Papers submitted in mineral processing field, Iran
Iran Mining Engineering Conference, Papers submitted in mineral processing field, Iran
International Mineral Processing Congress (IMPC) Series, International meeting series
National Open Pit Mining Conference, Papers submitted in environmental engineering field, Iran
The 9th Iran Mining Engineering Conference and the 6th International Congress of Mining and Related Industries, Tehran, February 21-23, 2021
Research Projects and Festivals
Research projects presented to National Silicon Valley, Kerman Branch, Iran, 2015
National patents presented to National Silicon Valley, Kerman Branch, Iran, 2016-2018
The 2nd National SHETAB Festival: Identifying and empowering ideas favorites, Yazd, Iran, 2016
The 2nd Festival of Creative Ideas with Entrepreneurship Approach, Kerman, Iran, 2018
Director of the National Congress of Iron and Steel Industries, Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman, Zarand, Iran, March 4-5, 2015
Member of the Board of Directors of Mineral Processing Seminar, Geological and Survey Organization of Iran, Tehran, Iran, November 21, 2016